
Showing posts from January, 2014

Brake Rotors - Part 3

Performance Friction calls them discs. Wilwood calls them rotors. Not even the brake firms can agree on the correct nomenclature. Whatever we call them you’re going to have to replace them at some point. Brake discs wear out. We use friction to stop our cars and we remove material from our brake discs at every corner. You see the result of all this friction on your wheels when you park in the paddock. You call it brake dust. There are no rules about how long a brake disc should last. It all depends on how aggressive your brake pads are and your braking technique. Some people wear discs out in a single weekend and others manage to get several weekends out of their discs. At some point though everyone is going to need a replacement. You’re just going to have to be very careful since we have a huge number of offshore rotors flooding the market. Not all brake discs are created equal. Size and Shape: The first step is to look back in your records and see what you currently have on your car...