
Showing posts from November, 2014

Climate Control for Your Collection

We all worry about road damage when we take our cars out for a drive but a lot of the damage to our cars comes from the place where we have them stored. Remember that the first rule of collecting is that you should do no harm. This means we need to pay a lot more attention to the environment where our cars reside when they're not being driven. Before you spend a lot of money determine what current conditions exist. A data logger can save you a lot of money. Talk to your HVAC specialist about ducting systems Stabilization: Restoration is a type of conservation. It refers to an attempt to bring a cultural property (your car) closer to its original appearance. Restoring a car means taking it back to the way it was originally constructed.  Conservation is slightly different. It should really be thought of as stabilization. Conservation is an attempt to maintain the integrity of a cultural property by minimizing deterioration. The primary goal of conservation and preservation is t...